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The Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association (Asala) has since foundation in 1997 worked on improving the economic and social levels of Palestinian women. Asala Company for Credit and Development was created for this purpose. Asala Company was founded following new regulations by the Palestine Monetary Authority. The Company provides financial services to empower women of low income in order to reduce poverty and realize economic development in Palestine. Asala gave 29,873 loans to businesswomen between 1997 and 2014 at a total amount of USD 35,513,900. Access to Markets presents a major challenge for women entrepreneurs operating in a difficult political and economic environment. In cooperation with the private sector, Asala works through various modalities to ensure women’s sustainable access to local, regional and global markets. For instance, Asala has established “Business Clubs” to enable women entrepreneurs to increase their efficiency by growing a business together, and hosts frequent exhibitions to link women producers with clients and wholesalers.

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